Friday, July 22, 2011

Part One: Journal Excerpt, August 2009. Canandaigua

Comfort Inn & Suites, Farmington, NY Near Canandaigua
August 9, 2009

Yesterday was Griffin's 4th birthday. He has been with us for four years. In one way it's hard to believe that he's four years old, and in another, it seems like he has been part of our lives for a long time.

He's such an amazing child. Alicia called Kaley on Thursday evening to say that the wheel had broken on her car. Griffin immediately headed for the door. Kaley asked where he was going--to find a wheel for Aunt Alicia.

In the basement he found a hub cap from Kaley's old car for Alicia :-)

On Friday evening, we met at Frank's--an Italian restaurant in Maine--for my birthday dinner. Alicia was a little late, but as soon as she came to our table Griffin looked up and said, "Shisha, did you get your car fixed?"

What an amazing thing for a four-year-old to remember and ask about. He really likes to serve and work, an observation I have already made in his father.

My birthday dinner was very nice on Friday evening--it was a bit poignant because by the time Doug's birthday comes. Ehrets will be residents of Souderton, PA :-)  :-(

It really is the end of an era--a beautiful era of having Kaley and Wes, Griffin and Lincoln available for all our birthday parties, spur-of-the-moment get-togethers, and "Can we stop in and see the boys?" afternoons. They won't be hanging out after the morning services anymore for "Hill-family get-togethers" and so that I can love on the boys.

Wow--the end of an era indeed.

Very sad, but delightfully exciting.

Thank You, Jesus, for the past and now the anticipation of the future.

Doug couldn't attend my birthday dinner because he had a wedding rehearsal. Those in attendance:

Tami, Brian, Alex, Kendra
Kaley, Wes, Griffin, Lincoln
Ryan, Macia

--Murphys: a $5 DD certificate and a Dorothy Sayers murder mystery (a used book Tami got in an Ithaca bookstore)
--Ryan--an iron
--Ehrets--a 2-year subscription to "All You" magazine (coupons!)

After a delicious Italian meal, we went across the street to "Scoops" for an ice cream cone (Alicia treated me), then Alicia came home and fell asleep in front of "Sergeant York". Smile...

It felt good to have her at the house. She made us each a cup of tea and she curled up in the recliner, and I got comfy on the couch. A special moment together.

The next day (yesterday) we left around 10:00 to get to Treman Park fort he wedding Doug was officiating. Then we headed right out for the last 3 days of our vacation.

The hotel is new and very nice. We got here about 4:00, took advantage of the hot tub, then went downtown to explore Canandaigua by car. We found a fun place to eat--Eddy O'Brian's Grill. There was music and a couple of people dancing. One couple was about our age and they danced and danced. It made me want to learn to dance even more. When we got home I tried to find some video clips with dance lessons but didn't come up with anything amazing.

It's 12:30 on Sunday now. It has rained all morning :-( but the sun is shining now. We are going back to Canandaigua so I can walk the main street and do some window shopping. Doug is going to ride his bike around town, then we will go to a late lunch at a cute restaurant that we discovered last evening.

Hope the rain holds off because this is the sort of thing I love to do. [To be continued...]

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