Wednesday, July 29, 2009


One of the highlights of our vacation was the performance of Michael Jackson's Thriller by some of my children and grandchildren. We went out to dinner one evening and when we returned to our car, we discovered this wide-open space in the parking lot. For us, a wide-open space screams for a performance! We cranked up the music on the CD player in our car and this was the result!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

2009 Hillfamily Vacation

The one thing that is certain about our annual family vacation is that nothing is certain! Expect the unexpected might be an appropriate phrase to describe our ever-changing expeditions. This year we decided to venture into the world of tent camping. With 19 of us--ranging in age from 11 months to, well, my age--we had one small RV, one truck tent, two large tents and two small tents.

The highlights of this year consisted of water skiing, tubing, sumptuous meals prepared by each family, singing around the campfire on a dark windy evening, and an energetic rendition of Michael Jackson's Thriller.

Things were pretty calm and orderly until Sunday night, when the unexpected made its appearance. None of us were prepared for the deluge during this last night. Shortly after we had said goodnight and wrapped ourselves in our sleeping bags, we were awakened by a flash of lightning and an explosion of thunder. Then the rain started. When I say rain, I don't mean gentle falling rain, I mean torrential rain. I mean a raging storm. I'm talking about ferocious, unending volleys of thunder that we could feel in our guts. And there we were, all 19 of us in our little tent homes, being battered by the wind and rain.

I am happy to report that we all survived this unexpected deluge, and the next day was full of sunshine and clean, fresh breezes. Though nothing is certain on our family vacations, one thing I now know is certain: the next time I go tent camping, I will take an umbrella!