Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day Two

Saturday, February 26

Quote of the day: “Every so often I need OUT; something will throw me into total disproportion, and I have to get away from everybody—away from all these people I love most in the world—in order to regain a sense of proportion.” A Circle of Quiet, Madeleine L’Engle

--We woke up early, packed the car and were on the road at 6:50, earlier than we had announced the evening before. We were heading to Todd’s to get the insurance card for our car, when he called to say that he was at that very moment in Ehret’s driveway with the insurance card in hand! [Now, that sounds like a Gilmore girl scenario.]
--We met him at McDonald's near his house and he patiently taught me how to text and how to answer text messages. [Who says you can’t teach old dogs new tricks?]
--We were on the road again (Why does that phrase sound vaguely familiar?) at 8:10.

We’re off the to see the Wizard! The wonderful Wizard of Oz!

--And then started the love/hate relationship with the TomTom. First of all were the bongs that went off every time Doug exceeded the speed limit (you can just imagine how well that went over), and then there were the fairly frequent times when Doug disagreed with the directions the woman was giving him. (Once again, you can just imagine that whole verbal scenario.)
--I, on the other hand, was caught up in a lovely world created by Madeleine L’Engle. Doug kept talking to me, but I was completely oblivious. I finally had a decision to make: should I be a good wife, put the book away, and be involved with an on-going conversation with my husband? Or, should I remain immersed in A Circle of Quiet and completely ignore every wild animal—dead or alive—that my husband pointed out to me along the road? I agonized for a bit, and finally made my choice.

But, I’m not going to tell you which choice I made.
I'll leave that up to you to decide.

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