Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Journal Excerpt: January-February 1985

Tami was the captain of the cheerleaders for the first game.

Jan 8--Started Ryan on whole milk.
Sunday, Jan 13-- Ryan clapped his hands during singing 

Ryan keeps busy now clapping his hands. 


Sunday, Jan. 20--Mom I. for lunch--leftovers. Kaley to Megan's; Todd to Jay's; Doug and Tami to Hill's--Super Bowl; Mom and I put a puzzle together.


Monday, Jan. 21--Mom in town: Cinnamon buns and boiled dinner!
Alicia was so funny--she did everything Grandma did. She pulled her little chair right up next to Mom's chair next to the fire to eat and read books. She crossed her legs just like Mom. She helped Mom make cinnamon buns and rolled out and cut her own.


Ryan sits up now from a lying position. I walk into his bedroom and there he is sitting up--it shocks me every time.


I was rubbing lotion on Alicia's legs and I called them "sweet little legs". She said, "I love these legs."


Ryan straightens up on his back legs when he's on all fours so it looks like he's going to stand up. He stays that way for quite a while--it looks so funny.


Todd was having a problem with Mrs. A, his new teacher. I talked to her on the phone; she admitted she was wrong, and we set a date for the three of us to talk on Monday.

Todd said, "I'm really nervous about this."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because when people say they are sorry, they usually hug you."


February 1--Tami and Todd's stories chosen for Language Arts


Monday, February 4--Todd played his first basketball game


Feb. 5--Ryan "walked" while Doug held his hands


Feb. 5--Kaley won the Spelling Bee to compete in Language Arts

Feb. 7--Ryan crawled a little at Grandma Hill's--also waved when we said "hi".
Doctor's appointment with Dr. Goodman 21# 4 oz.

At one point we told Alicia her birthday was pretty soon. The other day she stated with great resignation, "Pretty soon is a long, long time."


Ryan crawls now, but he looks like a dying man in a dessert crawling to a drink of water.


Ryan discovered his tongue. He sticks it out and plays with it every time he laughs.

He recognizes his name now.

He crawls all over now. He crawled into Dad's study and started chewing on the filthy crud in the Rainbow basin. Poor Dad--he had to pull it out and clean Ryan up. Ryan had his four teeth brushed for the first time!


Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Sound to be Detested

I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book A Year in Provence by Peter Mayle. It made me 1) want to hop on a plane to France or 2) at the least, open a bottle of French wine. The following excerpt describes my on-going love/hate relationships with the telephone:

"We got home to find the telephone ringing. It is a sound both of us detest, and there is always a certain amount of maneuvering to see who can avoid answering it. We have an innate pessimism about telephone calls; they have a habit of coming at the wrong time, and they are too sudden, catapulting you into a conversation you weren't expecting. Letters, on the other hand, are a pleasure to receive, not least because they allow you to consider your reply. But people don't write letters anymore. They're too busy, they're in too much of a hurry or, dismissing the service that manages to deliver bills with unfailing regularity, they don't trust the post. We are learning not to trust the telephone, and I picked it up as I would a long-dead fish."
                                           --From A Year in Provence by Peter Mayle

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Making Waves!

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CM Unit E-mail Explaining Retirement Plan--April '08

As you know, last August I made the decision to become a CM hobbyist so for the past months I have not been holding get-togethers or recruiting, I’ve just been servicing my existing customers. I’m a new product junkie, so I have thoroughly enjoyed each unveiling of the latest and greatest CM products.

It has become clear to both my husband and me that the year 2008 is the year that I should hang up my Creative Memories hat. The bottom line is this: it is simply time. My plan at this writing (keeping in mind that it’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mind!) is to place my last order in November. That would mean that I would officially lose my consultant status in February.

February will be just short of my 19th CM anniversary. It would be fun to wait and celebrate my 20th but, as I said, it is simply time.

It’s almost impossible to imagine my life without my CM business; in fact, it’s very emotional for me. I’ll start to think that maybe I could wait a couple more years, but then I remember: it’s simply time.

I will take it easy during the summer, like I do every summer, so I can enjoy all the family activities that a family my size is involved in, then I’ll come back strong in the fall and wrap up my career during the season of thanksgiving.

I hope that the weather in your town is as exquisite as the weather here in Newark Valley. Blissful!

I’ll be back,